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hangzhou yajiaqi sanitary ware co.,ltd

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luxurious shower room 10
luxurious shower room 10
Specification: YJQ-2201A
Detail: model:YJQ-2201A size:1000x1000x2230mm accessories:touch screen,luxurious top shower,top light,ventilator,computer control,back jet massage,foot massage,luxurious shelf,flexible handle shower,FM radio,shampoo box,hot/cold fau...

luxurious shower room 9
luxurious shower room 9
Specification: YJQ-2207A
Detail: model:YJQ-2207A size:850x1200x2230mm accessories:touch screen,luxurious top shower,top light,ventilator,computer control,back jet massage,foot massage,shelf,flexible handle shower,FM radio,shampoo box,hot/cold faucet,switch ...

luxurious shower room 8
luxurious shower room 8
Specification: YJQ-2208A
Detail: model:YJQ-2208A size:1300x1300x2230mm accessories:touch screen,luxurious top shower,top light,ventilator,computer control,back jet massage,foot massage,luxurious shelf,flexible handle shower,FM radio,shampoo box,hot/cold fau...

luxurious shower room 7
luxurious shower room 7
Specification: 882-1
Detail: model:882-1 size:1300x1300x2100mm accessories:luxurious top shower,top light,Hi-Fi system,ventilator,star background lamp,computer control,back jet massage,foot massage,backrest,luxurious shelf,flexible handle shower,FM radi...

luxurious shower room 6
luxurious shower room 6
Specification: 893-3
Detail: model:893-3 size:880x1500x2080mm accessories:luxurious top shower,top light,Hi-Fi system,ventilator,star background lamp,computer control,back jet massage,foot massage,luxurious shelf,flexible handle shower,FM radio,shampoo ...

luxurious shower room 5
luxurious shower room 5
Specification: 820-3
Detail: model:820-3(L/R) size:850x1350x2080mm accessories:luxurious top shower,top light,Hi-Fi system,ventilator,star background lamp,computer control,back jet massage,foot massage,luxurious shelf,flexible handle shower,FM radio,sha...

luxurious shower room 4
luxurious shower room 4
Specification: 885-3
Detail: model:885-3 size:850x1300x2080mm accessories:luxurious top shower,top light,Hi-Fi system,ventilator,star background lamp,computer control,back jet massage,foot massage,luxurious shelf,flexible handle shower,FM radio,shampoo ...

luxurious shower room 3
luxurious shower room 3
Specification: 882-3
Detail: model:882-3 size:1300x1300x2080mm accessories:luxurious top shower,top light,Hi-Fi system,ventilator,star background lamp,computer control,back jet massage,foot massage,luxurious shelf,flexible handle shower,FM radio,shampoo...

luxurious shower room 2
luxurious shower room 2
Specification: 895-3
Detail: model:895-3(L/R) size:800x1200x2080mm accessories:luxurious top shower,top light,Hi-Fi system,ventilator,star background lamp,computer panel,back jet massage,foot massage,luxurious shelf,flexible handle shower,FM radio,shamp...

luxurious shower room
luxurious shower room
Specification: 2061
Detail: model:2061 size:1500x1500x2250mm accessories:luxurious top shower,top light,jaccuzzi,Hi-Fi system,ventilator,star background lamp,computer panel,back jet massage,foot massage,luxurious shelf,flexible handle shower,FM radio,s...
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